by Clara Sofia & Nicolas Turban
Conference in French for Eveil Homme
16.02 @ 8.30 pm on Eveilhomme's YouTube Channel
During this conference, we will present the first peoples of Colombia who are working for the New Earth. In particular two spiritual guides, the Abuelo Clemente Gaitan of the Sikuani people, guardian of the sacred yopo plant and Mamo Lorenzo Izquierdo, of the Arhuaco people, guardian of the wisdom of the heart of the world.
These two authorities for their community will then give two conferences and collective care live from Colombia, on March 12 and 19 with Clara Sofia.
During speaking circles or conferences, Abuelo Clemente and Mamo Lorenzo will share their wisdom with us. Their relationship with the Earth and the cosmos and how they are stewards of the Earth and work for the new Earth. Their cosmology and the place of sacred plants in their tradition. They will also be able to explain to us how their natural traditional medicine can cure diseases sometimes called incurable by modern medicine. They will offer us a collective healing that will have the strength to purify our bodies and connect us with the Earth and our higher self to feel its truth. This will bring out more clarity for our life.
The natives hold the secrets to living abundantly on Earth and this is the reason why they are constantly abused. We therefore have the immense honor of sharing the word and the healing with two spiritual leaders who work for the New Earth.

Abuelo Clemente Gaitan, Sikuani people
Talking circle and collective healing
12.03. - 20.00
Traditional doctor of the community of the Sikuani peoples of the department of Meta, Colombia, located in the eastern plains. Guardian of the sacred medicine of yopo, plant of power and clarity. Great teacher and healer who helps many people on their life path.
The Sikuani people live with nature, which takes care of the water, the forest, the wind, Mother Earth. The Sikuanis take care of nature because nature is life for human beings, where everything is born on this planet.
Traditional dance is part of the healing methods of the Sikuani people. Dance is the connection with beings of light and divine beings to awaken the soul and meet the things that divide us in this world to heal them. The yopo is the connection with the sky to awaken the human being, to feel the truth in his heart.
The Abuelo Clemente is currently dancing with the New Earth proposal. Dance for the New Earth to awaken the soul, the spirit, the feeling and the thought, to meet the awakening of humanity. And so a new earth will come for all of us.
On the New Earth, we will no longer destroy nature, there will be no more mines or oil tankers, we will no longer take resources, forests, water sources. What we will do is take care, take care among all so that the seed that is laid here and in all places ends and comes back fresh, with new energy. Mother earth will come back oxygenated with all her strength. It will be like a spiritual change in which humanity changes its soul, its spirit, its thought. Creating a new way of thinking, a new way of living, a new way of eating, are the reasons for dancing the abuelo.
The Abuelo Clemente will offer healing from its territory, from a distance, during which you will receive an energy from the sky, as a force that each and everyone will feel. It will be like an awakening and it will result in more clarity to understand and learn how to live on this planet.