My spiritual path is a search for freedom through personal development.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Clara Sofia. Very young I wondered about the human condition and my inner well-being. This quest has been at the center of my life's web that I am still weaving today. A quest for truth that motivated me to study in the highest academic circles in order to understand our world and know how I can contribute to it in a positive way. With a master's degree in International Relations and a MBA in Marketing & Communication Strategies, I became a specialist in Public Relations and Brand Development, skills that I have put to the service of advertising and branding agencies at the start of my career, followed by the Art and Music Industry and then in Well-Being & Health.
Originally from France and Amazigh from Kabylia, I grew up in Switzerland and traveled around the world since my first age. This must be the reason why I developed a passion for cultures and traditions very early on. This interest became obvious during a trip to Bali, Indonesia when I was 15. Enchanted by the mystism that reigned on this island, I wanted to become a Buddhist. So I read books and started meditation when I was 20.
At 21, life led me, after a few years of psychology to treat anorexia, to shamanism. There I found the key to my freedom, because learning is fast if you are ready to see. So I experienced my first shamanic ceremony with Ibowga from Gabon, then I continued my healing journey with Reiki and sacred geometry, coupled with learning through plants of power such as Ayahuesca.
A few years later, I organized ceremonies with shamans from Colombia and Peru as well as wellness festivals and workshops in my position as Marketing Director for a Eco Hotel in Berlin. Then I traveled to Colombia where I was initiated into the ancestral wisdoms mainly from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Putumayo at the Doors of the Amazon Rainforest. Initiated by these wise men and woman, on my return to Europe, I continued this work to free myself even more deeply.
Aware of the beneficial contribution of these spiritual healings to my well-being, I decided to train myself to share these tools with those like me who feel the need to grow in the light. This call also led me to the creation of this platform: Le Salon des Alchimistes.
The meditations that I offer are powerful tools because we can free our intergenerational memories, the memories of the collective, the memories of our souls and many other blockages, while reconnecting with our self. This allows us to move forward in our life, to manifest our dreams in matter, with much less resistance. Our mind keeps its place and our heart becomes the first actor in our life. So we realize ourselves by allowing the upliftment of our soul.
Here are the services I offer you as well as the prices:
I offer energy healing sessions in the form of guided meditation, with remote healing hands, and take you to the highest realms of love and light. I propose you connect with your higher self in order to align your path with your heart and the essence of your being. Sessions may include reading of the Akasha Records (Soul Path Book) and receiving messages from your guides. With each treatment, your soul frees itself from old patterns to make room for its growth.
The result is an energetic cleansing, the healing of the wounds of the soul that manifest on the emotional and physical level, with the ancestors, sacred femininity, the inner child and finally of your karma. My healing sessions aim to remove blockages and bring unconditional love, causing an immediate transformation. The more ready you are to receive, the deeper the healing.
We have one physical body and four energy bodies: emotional, ethereal, spiritual and mental. The physical body is the last to be reached to tell us that there is something to look at. It is our soul that speaks to us through pains and illnesses, repetitive situations, toxic relationships or unstable emotional states that we encounter in our lives. Sometimes these are behaviors or reactions that we have but feel that they don't belong to us.
When healing takes place at the level of the ethereal body, we act on all bodies and the healed physique, the emotions stabilize and the mind calms down to give way to the voice of the heart. To work on self-development, to listen to your soul, is to prevent emotional or physical pain and it is to open the way to abundance and miracles. It is a path that requires responsibility.
The healing I offer is a liberation for the soul, so that it can best express itself in your life and guide you on the path to joy and your personal fulfillment. The treatments make it possible to be lighter and to vibrate at a higher frequency, which makes our life easier because we no longer repeat the patterns of the past.
The session can include instruments such as drums, Tibetan bowls, Egyptian sistrum, chants and light language.
I have received the guidance to offer all my healing sessions on donation.
All healings can be done in person or online.
Cleaning up karmic and intergenerational memories
Helps to heal genealogical and karmic links. These can manifest as repetitive situations in life or relationships in which there is the same type of problem involved, blockages, emotional instability, pain and physical problems, illnesses. Our mission on earth is to free ourselves from our toxic patterns and relationships. Thus we free our family and loved ones and open the way to our true personal fulfillment.
90 minutes - Eur 70
Time include 30 min preparation
I invite you to a multidimensional shamanic healing meditation to the heart of the Earth to the stars! We are all starseeds and our soul has this information printed as a memory from many lifetimes. Reconnecting to our galactic family and receiving their light codes supports us on our path of awakening and soul purpose. Remembering these wisdom brings a feeling of completion.
Transgalactic Karma can also be healed and this facilitate your life as issues that are associated to past life and meetings related to the galactic beings are resolved.
Accompanied by the angels, guides, ascendant masters and galactic family, the healing will clear your chakras and reconnect, activate, align and anchor your being. You can just be present and enjoy this gift for your soul.
90 minutes - Eur 70
Time include 30 min preparation
A disharmony between one's masculine and feminine within oneself is reflected in difficult or even conflicting relationships in one's work, family or social environment. It is with oneself that lies the key to harmony and to do so, it is often necessary to go through the healing of the line of the father and/or the mother. The healing of the sacred feminine and masculine brings us another vision of ourselves, of love and abundance as we emerge from the abyss of the vicious circles that repeat themselves in our lives. It is self-liberation as we live in union with our two aspects expressed in their beauty.
90 minutes - Eur 70
The time includes 30 min of preparation
Guidance and reading of the Chronicles of the Akasha to gain clarity on a situation in one's own life. It can only be done for oneself and for the purpose of healing.
Guidance can be part of individual healing sessions depending on the healing needs of the topic being dealt with.
90 minutes - Eur 60
Time include 30 min preparation
Although often projected at the level of the couple, the sacred union begins in oneself. It is the balance between male and female aspects in each that opens the way to the Grail. Acceptance of all its facets, beautiful and less beautiful, allows acceptance of all aspects of the other. This process often generates healing of the soul, the karma and the ancestors and this ascension can be done alone or with a companion of life.
Our relationship with our father and with our mother are direct indicators of the quality of how we vibrate and whether we still have work to do to harmonise our relationships. The more we transmute the negative aspects, the more we vibrate at a higher frequency and the closer we will come to the Grail: we are at peace and serenity, free and light, to fly in the sandstone of the wind of abundance.
3 x 90 min in 3 weeks
Time include 30 min preparation
+ coaching during the sessions
333 Euro
The light of Union is related to the new force of creation on Earth. This energy carries you towards your truest being and consequently, towards your soul mission. This frequency allows you to let go of the old to confidently open your wings and manifest what moves you deep within.
Accompanied, guided and protected by Mother Earth, the Divine Mother, the Archangels, the Council of Light and the Star Alliance, you will receive the flame of Mary Magdalene, the flame of Jesus Sananda and the flame of Sarah Tamar , their daughter and guardian of the Union codes.
3 x 90 min in 3 weeks
Time include 30 min preparation
+ coaching during the sessions
333 Euro
I would like to thank Clara for giving me a long-distance healing session at a time of uncertainty in my life.
Her ability to connect with my soul and my path, brought a precious light.
In addition, Clara was able to cleanse my chakras in a very efficient way, which gave me a saving impulse.
I highly recommend her shamanic healing, even from a distance.
During the treatment I was able to regain the space of peace and inner calm that I had lost for months. My body was relaxed and open, my head was calm and my heart joyful. Thank you Clara for being this channel of DIVINE light.
Clara gave me a distance treatment that was very gentle.
I felt hours later a delicate veil of healing very subtle operate. And also, like a confidence in life and a reduction of control but again ultra fine and sharp, which still acts now in combination with other things in beautiful symbiosis
I was touched by Clara's benevolence. She helped me with discretion through a telephone healing. An adventure that was of deep help to me for which I am very grateful.
I recommend that you come with an open mind and heart, you will be surprised what can happen to you...