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Events: Our Programs



The light of Union is related to the new force of creation on Earth. This energy carries you towards your truest being and consequently, towards your soul mission. This frequency allows you to let go of the old to confidently open your wings and manifest what moves you deep within.

Linked to the central sun of the universe which pulsates its frequency of unconditional love more and more strongly on our Mother Earth, connecting and transmuting in tune with this frequency allows us to vibrate in harmony with the current force of creation.

Accompanied, guided and protected by Mother Earth, the Divine Mother, the Archangels, the Council of Light and the Star Alliance, you will receive the flame of Mary Magdalene, the flame of Jesus Sananda and the flame of Sarah Tamar , their daughter and guardian of the Union codes.

The flame of Mary Magdalene is the force of sacred femininity, manifestation and healing. Activated in your heart, it is a guide for your realization on Earth. It allows you to be in your true strength and accompanies you in the challenges of life. It is an ally to go through the initiations that are in your path to manifest your soul mission. Its other facet is the goddess Isis who will add her golden wings in this activation, accompanied by the 13 original mothers.

The flame of Jesus Sananda carries you in unconditional love, the strength of the sun and the sacred masculine for your realization on Earth. It helps you embrace your divine nature and let go of your ego, judgments and attachments. It guides you in your spiritual evolution and in the alignment of your soul with its divine mission. Lord Maitraya is the ascended version of Jesus Sananda and he will come with his immaculate wisdom to inspire you to expand your outlook towards the frequency of Universal Truth, enshrine your soul mission in the collective and become an enlightened being in your heart and soul. in your mind.

Sarah Tamar's flame is a gentle, innocent and powerful quality of frequency, one that guides us towards union, the key to creating what some call the New Earth. This energy, united with the flame of Mary Magdalene and the flame of Jesus Sananda, creates a new frequency which, inscribed in you, will carry you to heal yourself, harmonize your relationships and manifest your soul mission. Sarah's strength allows you to free yourself from your memories of the past, from all that blocks you and from all that you are ready to let go. It is a frequency that lightens you up and puts you in your manifestation force.

Objective and structure of the workshops

During the workshops, I suggest that you work on your strength of creation, healing and manifestation of your soul mission. This is an empowerment workshop accessible to all. We are all healers and we all will be when the time comes.

I therefore wish to awaken you to your gifts after having prepared your energy bodies to receive the codes of the Union. To do this, we will journey together into the highest dimensions of love and light to release the memories that are holding us back from being at our full potential. This work will be done in the form of guided meditation during which I will share with you live what I see and feel. The first two workshops are devoted to the flame of Mary Magdalene and the flame of Jesus Sananda. The third will be the consecration of the two previous workshops to receive the Union codes. Throughout the workshop, I also use sacred geometry.

During meditations you will receive activations which are gifts from the divine to help you on your soul journey. Each workshop consists of approximately 20 minutes of introduction, 1 hour of guided meditation then sharing.

During the treatments, I use live visualization, language and songs of light and instruments and tools from ancient Egypt, the drum and the crystal and Tibetan bowls according to the call of the moment.

What you will receive
Release of the old to make room for your authentic being
Opening your path and soul mission
Empowerment, feeling in one's creative strength
Activation of the three flames in your energy body
Activating Union codes and your healing and manifestation powers
Possibility of having more harmony in your relationships and with yourself.
Liberation of the memories of our souls and transgenerational
Opportunity to bring more abundance into your life

You will be able to receive as much as you are willing to do the work on yourself.

What we need for the workshops
A comfortable outfit in light tones.
A notebook to write
A candle
Paulo santo and/or sage and/or incense to your preference.
A dedicated crystal for activation
You are invited to create an altar in your home if you wish with your crystals and other sacred objects in connection with Mother Earth and the Divine Mother.

workshop 1


90 min healing session
+ 30 min coaching & guidance call


90 min healing session
+ 30 min coaching & guidance call

workshop 1


90 min healing session
+ 30 min coaching & guidance call

workshop 1



For my part, everything is fine ... almost after the Grail Workshop on Friday 10 12 ... I started a work of physical elimination. Since then, The beneficial effect is "giant", glorious and happy ..... since much more lightness and energies .... and Joy ....

Finally, I vibrate much more in The Unity of my being (Male & Female balance), each day brings a much greater vision of Self .... A greater Peace is in my Being ... it's very clear ...

THANKS again to you Clara and to the Divines Presences during the 3 Workshops ... Infinite Gratitudes ... Christophe

This activation has been created for a workshop with Nicolas Turban from EveilHomme, here is the conference that presents the Grail workshop

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